I'd been calling it a "Mild" because that's all I could think of. It had an OG of 1.045 and around 50 IBUs. It's light in body and not very hoppy. So "mild" comes to mind. However, it is not a brown ale.
Looking at Charlie Papazian's description, it may fall more in the range of an Ordinary or a Special Bitter.
NB: Next time try a British yeast?NB: at the September DOZE meeting it was generally agreed that it most fit the description of a Pale Ale.
Brew #24
Brew Date: August 22, 2010
- 7 lbs light liquid malt extract
- 1 lb Crystal 15°L malt
- 2 oz. black roasted barley
- 4 oz. CaraRed malt
- 1 oz N. Brewer 8.5% AA hops (bittering)
- 1 oz N. Brewer 8.5% AA hops (flavoring)
- 1 oz Centennial 9.2% AA hops (aroma)
- 2 vials of White Labs California Ale Yeast (WLP001)
- Added grains to about 1.5 gals. 180°F purified water, turned off burner, covered and allowed to steep for 20 mins.
- Brought remainder of water to boil in kettle.
- At boil, sparged grain liquor into kettle.
At this point I realized that I had fudged my measurements and ended up with 7.5 gals in the kettle. To prevent boilover I removed 1.5 gals of wort and ketpt it in reserve.
- Added LME, and brought back to boil.
- At boil, sparged grain liquor into kettle.
At this point I realized that I had fudged my measurements and ended up with 7.5 gals in the kettle. To prevent boilover I removed 1.5 gals of wort and ketpt it in reserve.
- Added LME, and brought back to boil.
- Once back at boil added bittering hops. After foaming had subsided, I returned 1 gal of liquor to the kettle, and returned to boil.
- At 50 minutes added flavour hops, and remaining 0.5 gal of liquor.
- At 59 minutes added aroma hops.
- At 60 minutes removed from heat and turned on wort chiller.
- When wort reached 86°F, transferred to fermenter, leaving about 1 gal, full of sediment, in kettle.
- At 60 minutes removed from heat and turned on wort chiller.
- When wort reached 86°F, transferred to fermenter, leaving about 1 gal, full of sediment, in kettle.
- Pitched yeast at 84°F (actually, not much above room temperature today).
Gallons in fermenter: 5.5
Active fermentation within 24 hrs.
Kegged beer. Set CO2 at 30 psi to try to carbonate it in time for NCHF.
9/14: Overcabonated it. Oops! Tastes quite mild, very drinkable on a hot day. Liz likes it as well.
IBUs: 46-52
Active fermentation within 24 hrs.
Kegged beer. Set CO2 at 30 psi to try to carbonate it in time for NCHF.
9/14: Overcabonated it. Oops! Tastes quite mild, very drinkable on a hot day. Liz likes it as well.
OG: 1.045
FG: Sample not large enough. Hydrometer rested on bottom of tube.
ABV: Unable to calculate. IBUs: 46-52