Thursday, March 20, 2014

Martinez Mild Amber

Brew #: 31
Brew Date: 20 March 2014

7 lbs ultralight liquid malt extract
1 lb 60*L Crystal malt
4 oz Carafa II malt
1 oz. Northern Brewer hop pellets (bittering, @ 60 mins.)
1 oz. Northern Brewer hop pellets (flavoring, @ 10 mins.)
1 oz. Northern Brewer hop pellets (aroma, @ 1 min.)
1 tab. Whirfloc clarifier (@ 5 mins)
2 vials White Labs WLP001 California Common ale yeast
6 gals. distilled water
0.5 oz Northern Brewer hop pellets (dry-hopping addition)

Put 2.5 gals distilled water into kettle.  Added grains in grain bag and let steep until water reached 170*F.
Removed grains, and raised heat to bring liquor to boil.
Once boiling, added malt extract.
Returned to boil and added hop pellets and clarifier at the minutes indicated from end of boil.
After 60 mins boil, removed from heat.  Cooled kettle with lid on in ice water bath.
Poured wort into fermentation bucker containing 2.5 gals of distilled water.  Added 1 gal. of distilled water to bring level up to 5.5 gals.

Gals. in kettle: 2.5
Gals. lost to boil: 0.5
Gals. in fermenter: 5.5

Fermentation notes
3/20 Pitched yeast at 76*F.
4/6 Transferred to secondary. Gallons in secondary: 5.  Tasting notes: Very low hop character, notable sweetness. (I wonder if the yeast crashed.)   Other: I noted that the lid to the bucket was not on securely.
4/8 Added a dry-hopping with 0.5 oz of N. Brewer hop pellets. (Let's see if we can give it a bit more of a nose and a tad more flavor).
4/10  Tasted again this afternoon. Watery, little hop character, no body, almost no flavor.  Threw it out.

O.G.: 1.036
F.G.: ----
ABV: ----