Saturday, April 26, 2014

Evil Cousin Once-Removed

Brew #32

Today I went to the AHA rally at the Heretic Brewing Company in Fairfield, and was given 5 gallons of wort prepared by the brewers at Heretic.

One of the brewers shared that they use White Labs' WLP001 yeast for most of their brews, so that what I pitched into the wort upon getting it home.  And since I was told that the wort given away is similar to that they use for brewing their Evil Cousin -and since I am using the same strain of yeast- I am calling this beer "Evil Cousin, Once-Removed".

6 gals. of Heretic Brewery wort
2 vials White Labs WLP001

Brought wort home
Pitched yeast

Fermentation notes
Gals. in fermenter: 6
4/26 Pitched yeast
4/28 Kraeusen blew out through ferm. lock
5/12 Racked to 2ndary fermenter
 5/26 kegged

Gals in keg: 5.5
OG: Not taken
FG: Not taken
ABV: Not calculated