Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Joe Hill" West Coast Red


9 lbs. light LME
1 lb. Crystal 40L malt
0.5 lb. British Crystal 135/165L malt
0.5 Pale Chocolate malt
0.5 Victory malt
1 oz. Citra 13.9%AA hop pellets (60 min.; bittering)
1 oz. Cascade 6.0%AA hop pellets (10 min; flavor)
1 oz. Centennial 10.5%AA hop pellets (10 min; flavor)
1 oz. Cascade 6.0%AA hop pellets (0 min; aroma)
1 oz. Centennial 10.5%AA hop pellets (0 min; aroma)
2 vials White Labs WPL001 California Ale Yeast

1. Placed grains in 1.5 gals cold water and brought to 154F.
2. Strained grain wort and added wort (yield 1 gal.) to 3 gals of cold water in kettle (yielding 20 qts/5 gals. of preboil volume), and brought to boil.
3. Once boil achieved, added LME and returned to boil.
4. Added bittering hops.
5. Boiled 50 minutes, and added flavoring hops.
6. Boiled 10 more minutes and added aroma hops, and removed kettle from heat.
7. Cooled and added to 1.5 gals. cold water in fermenter.

4/18/12: Kegged beer.

Gals. in Fermenter: 5.25
Gals. in keg: 4.75
O.G.: 1.067
F.G.:  1.016
A.B.V: 6.7%

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