Sunday, November 25, 2018

Adventures in wood-aging

Today I transferred the imperial porter to a 5 gal. oak Bourbon whiskey barrel.  My first attempt a aging a beer in wood.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

German Heffeweizen (for Concord Oktoberfest)



6 lb Bavarian Wheat DME
0.5 oz American Northern Brewer hop pellets (8% AA)
1 pack (125 ml) Wyeast #3068 Weihenstephan Wheat Ale yeast


1. Added Camden tablet to 6* gals tap water and brought to boil.

2. Turned off flame and added the DME and hops.

3. After 60 min boil, cooled and transferred to fermenter.

4. Pitched yeast at  75 °F

Oct. 9, 2018: Kegged beer

OG: 1.053
FG: 1.009
ABV: 6.3%

*Apparently, I mismeasured the water and ended up short in the final volume by about a gallon.

Saturday, June 23, 2018


So, I kegged a Belgian Ale, and cleaned up the fermenter in the morning.
This afternoon I did a thorough job on the keggerator:

- emptied and washed two kegs
- put the gas lines back in place (had gotten beer backed up into them, major hassle!)
- purged and sanitized the beer lines with hot Star San solution
- straightened everything up, made room for bottled beers

I feel pretty good.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Ale Belga

8 lbs. extracto de malta ultra-ligero
0.5 oz pellets de lúpulo Mosaic (13% AA) @ 60 min.
0.5 oz pellets de lúpulo Mosaic (13% AA) @ 10 min.
5.5 gals. de agua tratada con disulfito de sodio
3 paquetes de White Labs Belgian Ale Yeast Blend WLP575

Al llegar al hervor, apagué la llama y añadí la malta.
Luego de remover, prendí la llama. All llegar nuevamente al hervor, procedí a agregar los lúpulos en los intervalos indicados.

Al finalizar 60 minutos de cocción, retiré del fuego y enfrié el mosto.

12 dias a 68-76° F

Temp. al agregar leva.:  77° F
OG/DI: 1.058
Alc.Vol.: 7%

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Imperial American Porter


Water treatment
1 tablet Campden salts

9 lbs. ultralight liquid malt extract
4 lbs. golden light dry malt extract

Steeping Grains
12 oz Crystal 60°L
8 oz. Carafa Special II
8 oz. Pale chocolate malt
8 oz Victory malt

Boil hops
1.5 oz. Magnum hop pellets (12.6% AA) @ 60 min.
1 oz. Cascade hop pellets (4.7% AA) @ 10 min.
1 oz. Centennial hop pellets (9.7% AA) @ 10 min.
1 oz. Cascade hop pellets (4.7% AA) @ 1 min.

1 tablet Whirfloc finning agent @ 5 min.

2 vials White Labs San Diego Super ale yeast, WLP090

Dry-hop additions
0.5 oz. Cascade (4.7% AA) @ 
1 oz. Centennial hop pellets (9.7% AA) @
1 oz. Simcoe hop pellets (13.6% AA) @

Steeped grains in hop bag, in 6 gals of tap water treated with 1 tab. Campden salts. When water reached 170°F, removed grain bag and brought liquid to boil.

Turned off heat and added malt extracts.  Returned to boil and proceeded to add boil hops at indicated intervals.

Added 1/2 gal. distilled water to fermenter. Sacrificing a few gravity points in order to ferment the necessary volume for my project.

Pitching temp.: 77.6° F 
OG: 1.098
FG: 1.021 (at time of kegging, 6/12/18)
ABV: 10.1% (at time of kegging, 6/12/18)

25 November 2018: Transferred to 5 gal. oak Bourbon barrel.